A real kitchen revolution which is perfect to make your family lunches' leftover and kids lunch boxes more sustainable and that works equally well for Delis, Cafes, Bakers, Butchers and Green Grocers.
RotoFresh Natural Cling Wrap is made with renewable raw materials, is entirely natural, biodegradable and HOME compostable.
- Made in Italy!
- A truly HOME compostable material which will break down in your compost bin between 3 and 6 months.
- Food Safe
- Natural, BPA Free & Non Toxic. Stop wrapping your food in plastic!
- Certified to be 100% biodegradable and HOME compostable according to UNI EN 13432.
- Convenient pre - perforated sheets.
- Freezer & Microwave Safe.
- Cardboard box is certified PEFC ™ "Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes" and FSC® "Forest Stewardship Council".
For the past 40 years, Rotofresh has been a trusted partner in the kitchen of millions of customers around the world.
The Italian brand has now launched this innovative natural environmentally friendly cling wrap to satisfy all your food wrapping needs without damaging the environment.
This cling film is available in two sizes:
- 10m
- 150m

Rotofresh was born in Italy in 1976 in the freezer and oven sector with products that are resistant to cold and high temperatures. The constant focus on innovation by the company founder, in the first decades, is currently been followed by his three daughters.
A stronger environmental consciousness has pushed further research and development of new sustainable products. The result of this has been the creation of the "NATURAL LINE", which includes a series of sustainable and innovative products, all certified for composting according to UNI EN 13432.
They are:
- The rolls of "Pellicola Natural", a film obtained from Mater-Bi*, from the processing of oils plants and renewable sources, which allows the consumer a safe contact with any food.
- The rolls of "Carta Forno Natural", made of extra-resistant "non-bleached" natural fiber, with a characteristic brownish color, free from the bleaching processes used to obtain the common white parchment paper.
- The bags of “Bio Sacchi”, a compostable kitchen bin liner made with Mater-Bi*

* MATER-BI is obtained by using starches, cellulose, vegetable oils and their combinations
All the paper used is certified PEFC ™ "Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes" and FSC® "Forest Stewardship Council", in order to guarantee the consumer a product whose raw material comes from sources managed in a sustainable way, and controlled throughout the entire production chain.